Your garden can be a wonderous place if it’s cared for properly.
The kids might see a fairy village where you see your prize rhododendrons. Your friends might see the best hangout spot where you see a firepit. And you might see a means of finally relaxing where others see a water feature.
The recent events around the world made staying inside almost unbearable, and most of us grew to appreciate our gardens in new ways. If you’re looking to upgrade your garden, take a look at the top tips we’ve gathered.
Get Your Drive Power Washed
If you really want to put your best foot forward, you should look into services that offer power washing. Thanks to Mother Nature and the effects of the weather, your deck, your drive and even the exterior of your home can be covered in discolouring muck.

Ever seen the satisfying videos of a power washer blasting all the mud away from decking to reveal a beech wood you couldn’t believe was under there? That could be your decking.
Getting your garden clean is the first step to making it everything you wanted. That outdoor bar you were thinking of will look like lipstick on a pig if the rest of your garden is grey with mud and rain.
Invest in a Water Feature
Water features come in so many variations that they can be as exciting to choose as any other piece of décor in your home, and they will evoke as much personality as that your favourite indoor pieces.

If you are a nature lover, you might want to go with something that will blend in, made of ragged rocks and dripping streams, or if you like art, you can look into getting a sculpture of something, the cliché being a cherub. And then there are the abstract options made up of smooth shapes offering a hardly noticeable but powerful stream. They can be as big or small as you’d like.
Why powerful? Well, if you’ve ever been someone who got to sleep with your phone set to play a babbling brook on a white noise app, you’ll know what we mean. The constant sound of running water will transport you into the wilderness, calming you and it will attract the local wildlife to your garden.
Enjoy a Cosy Fire
A firepit is the hottest – pun intended – item in everyone’s garden lately. We didn’t want to let go of the outdoors as the winter months approached, and people started buying firepits as a way to cosy up an outdoor area.

The firepit, plus a hot chocolate, a blanket and some deck chairs make for a great night out. It can be just you and nature, watching the flickering flames, or add a book to the fun, or invite some friends around to share old tales.
Like water features, there are so many variations you will find one that is the right fit for you and will go with the rest of the furnishings in your home.