How beautiful do our gardens look today covered in snow!

For many their gardens look magical, and seemly impossible to imagine that Spring is only just around the corner – 20th March to be precise.

I’d only recently commented to friends that Snowdrops, Crocuses and even Daffodils were starting to peek their heads through the soil. But they’re now all hidden under inches of snow.

You might not be able to see your garden, but don’t be deceived that nature needs a helping hand from Autumn through to Summer with each month holding its own challenges even to dedicated gardeners.

Some plants need to be brought indoors during the winter, as they’re not designed to withstand our cold British winters, whilst others die back waiting to sprout new shoots at the first sign of Spring. Many will even wait till Summer or even Autumn to come to life.

If your idea of a dream garden is one full of flowers, or one that has few areas untouched, then choosing plants and trees that flower or fill out with stunning green, yellow or red leaves throughout different times of the year would be a good idea.

Having so many flowers, trees and even wildlife visitors to your garden means there’s a lot to consider. Each has different needs at different times of the year, and if you’re looking to get the best out of your garden knowing a few handy tips can go a long way.

The infographic below by Rattan Direct is a great resource regarding which plants are at their best at different times of the year, and a wildlife gardeners dream – when to expect garden visitors!

A quick tip: Do remember to put out water and food in both hot and cold weather as our British wildlife will really appreciates the helping hand.

Infographic Source