7 Tips To Make an Effective Real Estate Infographic

Large new build detached house with double white painted garages

Infographics are an effective way to distribute facts and figures, in a fun and easy-to-understand format.

Ever since they exploded onto the web around 2010, infographics have quickly become one of the best ways to get your message across on multiple levels.

They’re lighthearted, but at the same time informative. They cut through the clutter by breaking down large volumes of data into something that’s both engaging and visually appealing.

This is why more and more real estate professionals are using infographics to showcase their listings online. Whether you’re looking for an edge over other agents or simply trying to appease your clients, here are eight tips that can help make your interactive property listings out from the crowd:

Tip 1: Include A Caption

Some properties can stand on their own without a caption, but in most cases, it helps add the extra “oomph” to really draw attention. Captions add context by giving viewers an idea of what’s being shown, and when they click on the picture itself they’ll have access to any accompanying information.

As with all infographics, keep your captions short and sweet. If you need more space for a description then consider embedding an image in the listing instead. That way you still get a chance to show off your property but don’t have to sacrifice important data just so that people know what it is.

Tip 2: Use Bullet Points & Short Paragraphs

Compared to traditional listings where sellers are often encouraged to write as much as possible, the best infographics are the opposite.

Instead of paragraphs of text, try to use bullet points whenever possible. Not only will it make your listing more concise, but it’ll force you to prioritise what’s most important about your property. Viewers want quick snippets of information; they don’t want drawn-out stories.

Tip 3: Include A Map

Maps are an effective way to show viewers where a property is located relative to their current location or other landmarks. Rather than just an image, this should be interactive so that people can zoom in and out with ease. This also lets them see how far your place is from amenities or other places that may be important to them.

When paired with the “Over” map that shows where your place is in reference to the larger area, you’ve created a powerful way for people to see how it fits into its surroundings.

Tip 4: Look Into Interactive Features

Don’t just settle with regular images and plain old text – use content tools like Google Photos & YouTube so that viewers can get more information about what they’re seeing. On top of that, embed links directly to your listing details page so people don’t have to hunt down your website on their own later on.

If you want to go above and beyond with these features, look into developing an interactive floor plan for your property.

Although they’re not for everyone, floor plans can be an extremely effective way to showcase the layout of your listing. Not only are they great for search rankings, but they make it easy for people to see how cozy or spacious your place truly is before making the trip out.

Tip 6: Use Mobile

With more people using mobile devices to browse the web, it’s important for listings to be optimised for them. Make sure your infographic is fully viewable on smartphones so that buyers can get a sense of its content even if they’re not on their computers.

Tip 7: Promote It!

Sharing just one picture out of context isn’t going to help your property stand out from the crowd. If you want people to see what you’ve created then don’t just sit there and wait – promote it. You may have done all this work but nobody will ever know about it unless you tell them. Share it with other agents in your area who could use something like this, or post it directly on social media sites like Facebook.

Bonus Tip: Use Venngage Infographics

Venngage is a free infographic maker that provides its users with various professional-looking templates used for many different purposes. All you need to do is to create your free account, choose the best infographic template, customize it to your liking, and download it. To give you a better idea, here are some infographic examples from Venngage.





Remember: the best infographics are those that solve a problem for their target audience. If you can do this, then people will give it a second look and share it with others — which means more traffic for your listing and more interest from buyers. What are you waiting for? Start creating your real estate infographic and become a successful agent today!

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