Tips For Building An Energy Efficient Home

Tips For Building An Energy Efficient Home

It is probably a term you hear more and more about – being energy efficient. That is because being energy efficient is beneficial to you and your bank account.

The cost of living keeps going up which means you are spending more money on your monthly utility bills as well. Think of how much it costs to heat up your home, run the dishwasher or even just to keep your lights on.

There are many ways to be energy efficient which will save you money in the long run. Whether it be merely turning the lights off when you’re not in a room or turning the heat down when you leave for the day, little changes go a long way.

But you can also design your home in a way that is energy efficient as well. Although the upfront costs are a bit pricier, the long run (and potential government incentives) are worth it in the end.

Here are a few tips to help you get your home to be more energy efficient.

Install a Heat Recovery System

A heat recovery system is kind of an all-in-one type of machine. It circulates the air in your home while regulating the temperature and humidity levels. It extracts the old air from inside your house and replaces it with fresh air from outside. During that process, the warmth from the old air transfers over to the incoming new air. So your house stays warm when needed.

These systems typically run on a low setting which requires less energy. If you need to kick it up a notch, you manually can do so. Otherwise, the low setting will keep a few dollars in your pocket each month.

Plant Trees Around the Garden


Trees are an excellent way of providing natural shade. If your house is exposed to the afternoon sun (especially in the summer times), you’ll notice how quickly it will heat up. Now you are left with either an uncomfortably hot house or spending lots to cool it down.

Plant trees around the south and west sides of the garden to block out any unwanted. As the seasons change and the leaves fall, it then opens up the area to allow the sun to slowly warm your house in the winter time.

Make Sure the Design is Air Tight

To be energy efficient, the structure of the house plays a significant role. If there are gaps in the design, especially around windows and doors, the air inside will continuously to seep outside. Now you are left with either having to pump up the air conditioner or heating to keep the temperature comfortable.

If you notice any broken seals or feel a draft, fix it as quickly as possible. Caulking around windows and weatherstripping for doors are a quick and simple fix that will significantly improve the seal in your house.

Switch out Your Lighting

The type of light bulbs you use can impact how much energy your home needs. LED lights have improved immensely to become quite energy efficient. Pay attention to the types of lights you have in your home and see if you can replace them with energy efficient bulbs.

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