5 Things You Need To Do Before You Redecorate

5 Things You Need To Do Before You Redecorate

When you’re planning on redecorating the home, your focus tends to be on how you’re going to decorate.

What paint colours you’ll be using, what finishing touches you’ll be adding. So many people forget that there are lots of things to do before you even lift a paintbrush. If you’re planning on revamping the house then here are five things you need to do before you redecorate.

Make a Plan

Before you just start attacking the walls with paint, make sure you have a plan in mind. A mood board would be even better! Decide what exactly it is you want to do with the space. Are you simply giving it a retouch or changing the whole look?

Use magazines and design trends for inspiration and put together your plan. You should also write a list of all the things you’re going to need to buy. Only once you’ve made a plan can you move onto the next steps.


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There’s no point trying to redecorate a room that’s packed full of clutter. Consider using a junk removal company like https://www.junkme.co.uk to get rid of anything that’s useless. Everything else will need to find a proper home. There are plenty of different storage ideas out there.

Incorporate some kind of storage into your original plan. This will make things so much easier when you come to decorate. It will also make your room seem nicer when it’s finished.

Everything Out

After you’ve decluttered, it’s time to move all of the furniture out of the room. If you’re going to be painting walls then the last thing you want is splatters on your cream sofa. If you don’t have the space to move everything out then consider putting it all in the middle of the room.

Make sure you get some dust sheets to protect the things you don’t want ruined. You’ll be surprised how far those paint splatters can travel.

Masking Tape

Time to get the masking tape out! Make sure that you tape up all of your door and window frames, unless you’re painting them in the same colour as the walls. Skirting boards are also another area you want to masking tape up.

It’s a lot harder to remove paint then it is to prevent drips. You can also use this ingenious elastic band idea to stop your paintbrush from dripping. This will hopefully prevent it from getting on the floors or carpets.

Suit Up

You’re nearly ready to get started! The last thing you need to do is get yourself prepared. Root around for some old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Alternatively, you can buy coveralls that will protect your clothes.

As we’ve mentioned before, paint splatters can get everywhere. If you’re doing any kind of drilling or DIY, then make sure you have protective clothing. This means goggles, ear protectors and gloves where appropriate.

You now have everything in place to get that room redecorated! You’ll find it much easier by following a plan like we mentioned at the beginning. And all of the other tips will make sure your new room looks fantastic when you’re finished. Without any nasty accidents.

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