Accidental Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson films such as The Royal Tenenbaums, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom, or The Life Aquatic have a wonderfully peculiar visual aesthetic.

His work features buildings and interiors with subtle retro colour schemes and near-perfect symmetry.

For those that crave more of can browse through the collections of a subreddit r/AccidentalWesAnderson and Instagram account.

We have pulled together some of our favourites below.

We took the time to find the original photographers for all the pics above – see below.

Credits: 1: Oliver Wainwright, 2: Maria Svarbova, 3: Mike Will, 4: Erol Ahmed, 5: Petter Aamodt, 6: Jan Keller, 7: Denis Cherim, 8: Robert Gotzfried, 9: Brotherside, 10: Dimitri Bogachuk, 11: Wing Ka Ho, 12: Ossip van Duivenbode, 13: Alice van Kempen.

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